Going Viral

Perhaps, it is fitting, that going viral

is considered a worthy accomplishment,

a signal of value, a demonstration

of marketing know-how,

evidence of tapping

into the zeitgeist

of a sought after


We live in or regularly visit

a digitally orchestrated kismet where we

consume a snackable feast of imagery, Ted Talks,

and videos of baby rescued raccoons.

Coded mathematical formulae distill our curiosity,  

our pursuit of distraction, our actual or aspirational

consumption, etching them into “unique” fingerprints,

better known as the algorithms

capable of predicting our daily


In Vienna, surrounded by columnar edifice

Freud identified early childhood tension

and pleasure as foundations of who we

might become. Become, that is, if we

can find emotional comfort.

Become, that is, if we do not fall
into one or more psychosexual


Who do you want to be?

Steve Jobs?

Do you want to wear a black turtleneck?
Do you want to think different?

Do you want to join a club that copies difference?

Do our Sunday-go-to-meeting, corporate, and blue collar

uniforms reveal or camouflage our differences?
Do they help us


If wanting springs from being,

we are all Oedipal – wanting what Daddy has.

Dreaming of our own Mar-a-Lago,
a gilded tub, the freshest and finest,

Accompanied by the most exquisite spouse

money can buy. Isn’t having

easier than


Vigilant citizens, does your Hawaiian shirt
derive from your own tropical ancestry?

trigger colonial reminiscences and

boog-a-loo fantasies?

Does it whisper

Bahamas branded bourgeois reassurances?
Or, simply invoke a vacationer’s whimsy

and a bit of élan

after a lifetime

of dreary


Thanks to Madison Avenue

We dropped the Cartesian dichotomy

From Cogito Ergo Sum.

Our preference now

Cogito Ergo


It is easier today, not to think.

Rid of nagging thoughts,

The thinking middleman, woman and child

is free

to act on impulse.

Even better, when we are bored,

“New” Identities are available daily

to the lowest


But, while browsing for brands

and snuggling into our echo chambers

A pathogen was recombining to form

a 125-nanometer

spiky protein

with a unit called a receptor-binding domain

aka…the ability to enter


Whether a zoonotic transfer

from a pangolin, civet, or bat

Or not

COVID binds to us

Irrespective of what we think

Ignoring even that we


How did a face covering of cloth

become the Trojan horse of id and I.D.?

Dividing red from blue

In a false conceit that

guarantees pyrrhic victory

unequal destruction, and



Reed MacMillan, November 28 20
All Rights Reserved.

Greta’s Time

By Reed MacMillan

It is time, Twenty-Twenty
To inaugurate new endings
To empty overflowing buckets of
outdated lists and to cease engaging in
boxing matches between
scientific upper-cuts
and data-driven jabs.
To halt our heavenly appeals
and civil discourse with polluted leaders.

It is our time, in Twenty-Twenty
To tackle modern fairytales
Projected on big and small screens
To choke on sweet habit-forming
doses derived from earth’s bounty
To speak about down-sizing
our selfies and our first-world loves.

It is time, homonins of Twenty-Twenty
To replace elegant gourmandise
and delicious distractions with
simple loaves and fewer fishes.
To gather in home and hearth
to hunt for sincere solutions
ignited through collective caring.

It is time, believers in Twenty-Twenty
To listen to Thunberg and Attenborough
To become quiet, see, feel, and hear
songbirds and re-read Carson’s Silent Spring
To incinerate 20th century sins
To compost productive soil
and grow lighter footprints together.

Journey to America

Lit sparkler burning in front of American Flag

At night, you plan.
You count your money,
select durable shoes,
plot paths and snacks,
and are seized with fear.

In bed, you cannot sleep.
So, you quietly go
outside and sit in
silence. Under stars, you
encode a lifetime of mental selfies
and breathe in the unknown.

Before dawn, you wake.
You prepare breakfast,
wake your child,
take their hand
and begin your
journey North.
All so you can sweep
floors or care for
American kids or
sell Big Macs or maybe
become a business
owner and help
that little hand in
yours to reach higher.

To stay or go?
You commit your life
and dreams to theirs,
because without hope
life shrinks down
to a binary choice.

You are not naive.
To enter America means
waiting in cages,
waiting on hard floors,
waiting in close quarters,
cruelty, disregard,
torture, boredom
and more

Somehow, you arrive.
At the border, you line up,
claim your place, and
try to smile.
Inside a grim room, you
keep your head down,
comply, discover
the patience of
sorrow, the
of separation.

6 hours a day you dream
of release and entry into
a land of excess. Bewildering
supermarkets, large cars
and large people, late night
TV, sugary drinks, backyards,
playgrounds, and schools.

You only need a few drops
of excess to spill into
your life and run into your child’s life.
The smallest chance is still a chance.
Hope vs. despair.

America Shaken: Land That I Love & The Compass of Nostalgia

By: Reed MacMillan

America Shaken 

Shattered. Shaken. Shifting.
Revealed divides
Divided realities
Adjacent, divisible

Salaries. Smokes. Six-packs.
Ephemera of solace
Souls erased
Daily breath and demons

Left. Left-out. No one’s Right.
Middle ground
Now ground zero
To pursue
Happiness in waves

Standing. Stirring. Stepping.
Up together
Two if by land
One if I see
As under
The same flag

Like you, I am not sure where we are headed. Like you, I am struggling to find the bonds and the lifelines that we share as a nation. Our destiny is shared and our honor is at stake. It is no longer about Trump. Like all great entertainers he is continuing to provide weekly if not daily episodes that invoke our rage, our outrage, and our fear. We live in an era of “Edge of Our Seats TV” that has made reality TV a quaint concept. We always knew reality TV was not real. It may have had moments that touched on the real, or occasional real moments, but we always understood that if you put a camera in front of real people, they become a little fake.

So now, we cling to that hope, that our Commander-in-Chief is a little fake. Don’t laugh! We know he is made-up. He scowls to look mean, he lies to keep all eyes on him, he fabricates, prevaricates, and maybe negotiates. I am not sure any of us actually want to know who the real guy is anymore. It is quite possible that it could actually be more terrifying than the fake one.

To those who say “Give him a chance,”  I say, “Let’s talk infrastructure, by damn it!”

Why, oh why, didn’t he just start there? It would have made so much sense. Building is his business, financing these buildings with other folks’ money — his comfort zone. At the end of the day, we have lived through enough Republican administrations to know that they like debt just as much as the Democrats. Reagan, Bush and deficits. Remember? Clinton was the last guy who ran a surplus. Democrat.

Have you found yourself drifting towards thoughts of your past lately? Perhaps, you are in the middle of your daily life, trying to work, to concentrate, to get something done, and instead you pause. In that pause, find yourself a bit terrified, a bit distracted, a bit discombobulated. Bobbing about on a little life-raft of hope and nostalgia, you may wonder if the ideals that mattered yesterday still matter today?

More than ever they do! This mixture of fear and nostalgia is your compass. What is your North Star today? Science? Social justice? Healthcare reform? Living wages for all? Better roads? Disruptive innovation? Artistic expression? Stronger abs? So much work to do and so little time! While you do it, do not forget that we are still in this together. We have to heal our nation and we must stare down the bully!

Forever may she wave!